Local Currencies: The Way To Beat The Banksters And Start A Financial Revolution

by Gabriel Donohoe

Predatory Bank

Predatory Bank

The Money Trust, an international cabal of ultra-powerful banksters, covertly controls the entire finances of the world for its own profit and pleasure. This elite cadre of criminals has deliberately brought the world to the brink of economic ruin so that banksters can seize properties and other tangible assets for non-payment of “loans” which they themselves had created out of thin air. This is a global fraud of unprecedented proportions.

The power to create money should be one of the most important functions of government, yet politicians in almost every country in the world unquestioningly hand this power over to private banking cartels. This puts the banksters in a position of supremacy over governments and government institutions like the law courts and gives them hegemony over all matters economic and financial.

As Mayer Amschel Rothschild once said, “Permit me to issue and control the money of a nation, and I care not who makes its laws…”

President James Garfield was even more direct in his assertion:

“Whoever controls the volume of money in any country is absolute master of all industry and commerce.” (Like Lincoln and Kennedy, Garfield’s assassination has been traced back to the banksters.)

Stephen Zarlenga, writing in The Lost Science of Money, says, “[The bankers] control the rationing of credit” and that they “are more in control of the society than is the legislature, executive, and judiciary, not to mention the citizens.”


The cunning Rothschild and his equally conniving successors developed a global network of central banks (almost all of them privately owned or controlled) that today does more to serve the interests of the House of Rothschild and their fellow conspirators than it does to serve the interests of the people of the nations for whom central banks were meant to serve. Allowing these banks to create money/credit out of nothing and then permitting them to charge interest on ‘nothing’ puts an onerous burden on the working people of every country where they are ensconced.

fuck-the-banksters-188-x-200 (1)

It is totally unnecessary to borrow from any of these thieving institutions. The degree that governments permit and support this madness makes them correspondingly complicit in this despicable crime against humanity.

In fact, borrowing from the banksters by governments, businesses, and individuals makes the prices of goods and property many times dearer than they ought to be. For example, when you mortgage a house for a term of 30 years or so, you end up paying back the price of up to three houses – one for you, and two for the banksters who didn’t actually loan you any of their own money in the first place. They have effectively stolen 20 years of your life’s energy!

It is quite enlightening to recall the words of William Paterson, one of the founders of the privately owned Bank of England in 1694:

“The bank hath benefit of interest on all moneys which it creates out of nothing.”

That is still very much the case today. Even the banksters themselves have been admitting as much…

“Banks lend by creating credit. They create the means of payment out of nothing.” Ralph M Hawtrey, British Treasury.

“I am afraid the ordinary citizen will not like to be told that the banks can and do create money. And they who control the credit of the nation direct the policy of Governments and hold in the hollow of their hand the destiny of the people.” Reginald McKenna, a former Chairman of the Midland Bank.

And here is a real eye-opener attributed to Sir Josiah Stamp, a director of the Bank of England in the 1920s:

“The modern banking system manufactures money out of nothing. The process is perhaps the most astounding piece of sleight of hand that was ever invented. Banking was conceived in iniquity and born in sin…But if you want to continue to be the slaves of bankers and pay the cost of your own slavery, let them continue to create money and to control credit.”

Sir Josiah bluntly lays it on the line. With words and phrases like “money out of nothing”, “sleight of hand”, “iniquity”, “sin”, and “slaves of bankers” he forthrightly condemns bankers as nothing but criminals who openly operate an international banking system of utter criminality and fraud. Sir Josiah warns us that if we continue to let the banksters control credit we unconscionably allow ourselves to remain debt slaves for all time.

Our entire system of taxes, duties, fees, licenses, statutes, etc., were designed by the banksters for the benefit of banksters. Almost all of our taxes go to pay the banksters for “loans” that they created out of nothing: income tax, motor tax, Value Added Tax, beer tax, whiskey tax, household tax, inheritance tax, septic tank tax, death tax, this tax, that tax, tax, tax, tax ad nauseam.

If we as a people issued our own money, debt-free and interest-free, based on goods and services provided by the people, there would be very little need for taxation (no income tax, no VAT, no motor tax, etc.). And everything would be much, much cheaper. The whole tax system, revenue commissioners, national debts, and so on, are constructs of the Money Power. They are meant to control us. They are designed to keep us impoverished by stealing our life energy from us (our labour). These taxes and controls are only there to vastly enrich the Money Power and to enslave us at the same time.


And there is this nonsense we hear every day in the mass media about economic growth and balance of payments. The only reason we need growth and increased consumer spending is to pay the ever-growing interest on the mushrooming national debt, a debt that was facilely keyed in with a few strokes on the banksters’ computers. This means plundering the earth and destroying natural resources to increase our consumption of hopelessly unnecessary trinkets. How the banksters must be laughing to see us scurrying along the treadmill of debt they craftily inflicted upon us.

What the people seem to have forgotten is that all wealth comes from the people themselves. The people are the true producers of prosperity in any country; they produce the food and other commodities that are needed to sustain life and increase or improve our creature comforts. Banks don’t produce anything of value. They are parasites that feed on the labours of the working people. Wall Street and the City of London and other financial centres around the world are nothing more than glorified gambling casinos. They add nothing to the wealth of a nation; in fact, they steal the wealth from the real producers.

Central Banks create money out of nothing. They allow commercial banks to do the same thing, to a large degree, but keep them on a financial leash. Fiat currencies such as the euro, the pound, the dollar, and others have nothing of value backing them. A few generations ago, most currencies were convertible to gold or silver or some other valuable commodity. Now, these currencies are inconvertible and are only valuable because governments say so (by decreeing them ‘legal tender’) and because people, in their unawareness, give them their confidence.

Our money today, whether cash or bank credit, is merely a bank’s ‘promise to pay’. It is mostly an empty promise because it is backed by nothing. U.S. economist Irving Fisher put it quite succinctly when he said the U.S. national circulating medium “is now at the mercy of loan transactions of banks, which lend, not money, but promises to supply money they do not possess.” This is indeed the great fraud of modern banking.

On the other hand, all real credit comes from the people. The ‘promise to pay’ behind the people’s credit is backed by the sterling promise of future labour. This is very valuable. In fact, it is so valuable that banks can actually encash or sell your promissory note (your promise to pay) for face value or more, even before they give you a “loan”! But banks don’t inform you of this huge deceit by which they mislead and defraud you. They never tell you that it is you, the borrower, who really funds the loan!


What the banks are actually doing is intercepting your gilt-edged credit, which is backed by your future life’s labour, and repackaging it as their own credit, which is backed by nothing. Having stolen your credit, they take you for an idiot and force you to pay them back your own money which they claim to have “loaned” you, and then they compound the crime by charging you interest on money that was actually created by you. Not even the mafia would ever find the chutzpah to stoop so low.

But is there a way to beat the banksters?

Across the internet today, and in some excellent published books and DVDs, there are many proposals for setting up just and equitable monetary systems. We have the proposed N.E.E.D. Act from Congressman Kucinich in the U.S. (in conjunction with the American Monetary Institute), the Social Credit system from C.H. Douglas, Mike Montagne’s Mathematically Perfected Economy, and a host of other proposals including those of E.C. Riegel and Thomas Greco Jr. (whose research features heavily in the rest of this article).

All these systems have certain merits which should be teased out and explored in a genuine forum of the people. It is said that ‘knowledge is power’. Therefore, the people can truly empower themselves by learning and studying and unearthing information that the banksters and their lapdogs would prefer had remained hidden. Only the people can decide what will work in the best interests of the people. Remember Lincoln’s Gettysburg address: government should be of the people, by the people, for the people.

However, this would be a revolutionary move and such ground-breaking events are unlikely to happen overnight. But is there something we can do now, today, at local community level?

Yes, there is –  create a local community currency.

A good local community currency will give local businesses and individuals interest free credit, promote local goods and services, increase the prosperity of the community, and retain the wealth within the local area. This is something the banksters do not want to see. It lessens their ability to control people and separate them from their hard-earned money. Furthermore, those participating in local currency schemes will really come to comprehend what “money” really is, how it is created, and how it really works. This tends to show up the deception and fraud inherent in the present banksters’ system.

These local community currencies or exchanges are known as Mutual Credit Clearing Associations or Direct Credit Clearing Associations. They are simply a system of crediting sellers and debiting buyers – all without using money or requiring interest to be paid. Money is not needed because goods and services pay for other goods and services. The exciting thing about this system is that it has the singular capability of making banking and money obsolete. Direct Credit Clearing can, for the first time in history, prove crucial to the advancement and sustainability of civilization on our perilous little planet.

mutual credit

Consider this quote from E.C. Riegel:

“If the government were obliged to come to the people for money instead of vice-versa, the people would keep government under control and operate their economy satisfactorily with prosperity and peace resulting. The peoples of the nations do not make war. For them peace is the natural and permanent order. Wars are planned and perpetrated by politicians and their diplomats; and the money power of government is the means by which the people are maneuvered into wars.”

While there is evidence of community currencies going back to the early 1800s, the greatest surge has occurred over the past few decades or more. Today, there are about 2,500 different local currency systems operating throughout the world. One of the longest surviving and most successful of recent years is the Wir in Switzerland. Set up in 1934, it is now a major banking force in Switzerland.

Other successful local currencies include the LETS (Local Exchange Trading System, aka Local Employment and Trading System), Berkshares, Ithaca HOURS, Toronto Dollars, Time Dollars, PEN, and others.

An interesting electronic currency that can be transmitted anonymously across the Internet is the Bitcoin. It has no central control and is impervious to government or bankster influence or meddling. It is the most widely used alternative currency and the value of Bitcoins presently in circulation is about one hundred million U.S. dollars. All transactions are totally confidential and untraceable.

In Ireland, there are a number of local currencies from Cork to Monaghan and other places in between. The numbers are growing, something that tends to happen in a recession or depression. Most of these use mutual credit systems, like LETS. Other innovative communities such as those in Clones, Co. Monaghan, accept and exchange goods and services for the retired currency, the Punt.  However, unless you possess Punts this exchange system is rather limited.

Then there are local currencies that operate like department store coupons; yet others are backed by the national currency (legal tender).

But to be truly independent and open to everyone, a community should employ a good Mutual Credit Clearing system. Michael Linton, the originator of the LETS system in Canada in 1983, once defined money as “an information system we use to deploy human effort.” This is an excellent definition. Money is an accounting system, a way of keeping score.

For example, let’s say that in a certain community we have a number of traders called Amber, Bronze, Coral, and Denim and each one owes the other trader ₵1,000. (₵ is the symbol for a Credit which is equivalent to one Euro.)

Under the present banking system, one or more of these traders will have to borrow money from the bank to pay his creditor €1,000. This means interest charges and bank fees. If Amber gets paid by Denim he will pay his own creditor, Bronze, with the proceeds or, if he has already borrowed money to pay Bronze, he will repay his bank loan, with interest. And so on with the others.

But under Mutual Credit Clearing, all they have to do is adjust credits/debits between them and settle accounts in this manner. This is done very simply, without using money and without paying a third party (the bank) interest or fees.

The benefits of Mutual Credit Clearing are as follows:

  1. There will never be a shortage of credit in a community as long as people are willing to exchange their labour for mutual benefit.
  2. The participating traders themselves allocate credit on a democratic and local basis according to their own rules.
  3. Local traders and participants can save large amounts in avoided interest costs and bank transaction fees.
  4. Local traders and participants can avoid the negative effects of inflation of the national currency, restrictive credit practices of banks, and other global economic difficulties.

How much credit should a trader be allowed within a local community system?

Riegel says, in Flight From Inflation, “Each person or corporation is entitled to create as much money, by buying, as he or it is able to redeem by selling.”

Other successful systems recommend that an individual’s credit should not exceed that individual’s typical turnover in a three month period. But on start-up, it is normally recommended to limit credit to the equivalent of 200 to 300 Euro.

Some systems use hand-written ledgers for registering all trading details and listing individual balances. Others prefer to keep computerised records. And there are those which issue paper currency notes that are used just like cash. And there are systems that like to combine both ledger credits/debits and paper currency.

There is not enough space here to go into the minutiae about how these systems work. Those who are interested in setting up local community currency schemes can Google the names and organizations mentioned above or contact the author for more information (info@foolscrow.net).

There are a little less than half a million people currently unemployed in Ireland. Undoubtedly these figures are understated by the government, but in a population of some four and a half million souls this number of unemployed is totally unacceptable. Most of these people are able and willing to work. All they require is a simple method with which to exchange their labour. But the government continues to sit on its hands.


There should be virtually no unemployment in a country or community where a great majority of the people are willing to exchange their labour (goods or services) for the labour (goods or services) of others. That this intolerable situation exists is a damning indictment upon those who profess to run our country!

Once again, it is patently obvious that the Irish Government is not working in the interests of the people who put them into a position of power and trust. This government, like previous governments and most politicians, work mainly in the interests of the Money Power. The only way to describe this state of affairs, my dear brothers and sisters, is sheer unadulterated treason!

E.C. Riegel again, “When government is invested with money power it rises above the citizen and under the profession of protecting him may actually constitute the greatest threat to his well-being and safety.”

And Riegel, more optimistically:

“When man has mastered money he shall have mastered not only his economic problem of prosperity but also his political problem, for he will see that money has no place in state functions, and, the money power being entirely in his own hands, he will easily master the state and clearly define its services.”

Copyright © 2013 Gabriel Donohoe

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BIG NEWS! All The World’s Banksters Foreclosed! Puppet Governments and Corporations Too!

by Gabriel Donohoe


We truly live in extraordinary times! A huge blow has been struck against the banksters and their minions around the world! They have all been lawfully put out of business and all their assets lawfully claimed as compensation for the people.

A group known as One People’s Public Trust (OPPT) has filed a myriad of documents that effectively and lawfully forecloses on all banks (including IMF, World Bank, Bank for International Settlements, Ferderal Reserve, ECB, etc.), corporations, and most world governments (which have been surreptitiously set up as corporations trading for private profit).

The governments, banks, and corporations are all charged with fraud, treason, and slavery. And they all have remained silent in the face of these charges thereby admitting the truth of their egregious wrongdoing. They failed to rebut the charges because the charges can not be truly rebutted! They stand convicted by their own guilty silence.

(Note:  This is not an overthrow of governments but an ending of their existence as private corporations and the taking back by the people of their own misappropriated power.)

OPPT you are free

No doubt the banksters and their corporate governments will try to brazen this out in the hope that they can prevent the bulk of the people from discovering and acting upon this world-changing information.

But it is too late. The news is now sweeping across the globe! The first casualty was Pope Benedict, who headed the Vatican Bank, a proven criminal enterprise. Benedict, or Joseph Ratzinger, was about to be arrested on charges of facilitating paedophilia, money-laundering, and related crimes. Ratzinger has now holed up in the Vatican to avoid prosecution, not the act of an innocent man. Even some churchmen are now referring to him as the ‘Rat in the Vat’.

The actions by OPPT is wonderful news for freedom-loving people everywhere. All debts are now cancelled and the banksters’ assets will be seized to compensate the peoples of the world. Centres are being set up in every country in the world to help in the transition. They are known as CVACs (Creators’ Value Asset Centres).

OPPT planetawakening777

There are also a wealth of documents to help you put the banks in their place, or anyone else who is making illegitimate demands upon you. See in particular the Courtesy Notice.

OPPT golden age

Further information and documents on these websites:-


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Did The Pope Resign To Avoid Arrest?

How much of this report is true?  Or is it based on wishful thinking?

pope benedict

See American Kabuki blog… and lightworkersxm blog

Pope Benedict resigned to avoid arrest, seizure of church wealth by Easter – Diplomatic Note was issued to Vatican just prior to his resignation

Historic, Breaking News: Wednesday, February 12/13, 2013

Pope Benedict resigned to avoid arrest, seizure of church wealth by Easter – Diplomatic Note was issued to Vatican just prior to his resignation


New Pope and Catholic clergy face indictment and arrest as “Easter Reclamation” plan continues

A Global Media Release and Statement from The International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State (ITCCS)


The historically unprecedented resignation of Joseph Ratzinger as Pope this week was compelled by an upcoming action by a European government to issue an arrest warrant against Ratzinger and a public lien against Vatican property and assets by Easter.

The ITCCS Central Office in Brussels is compelled by Pope Benedict’s sudden abdication to disclose the following details:

1. On Friday, February 1, 2013, on the basis of evidence supplied by our affiliated Common Law Court of Justice (itccs.org), our Office concluded an agreement with representatives of a European nation and its courts to secure an arrest warrant against Joseph Ratzinger, aka Pope Benedict, for crimes against humanity and ordering a criminal conspiracy.

2. This arrest warrant was to be delivered to the office of the “Holy See” in Rome on Friday, February 15, 2013. It allowed the nation in question to detain Ratzinger as a suspect in a crime if he entered its sovereign territory.

3. A diplomatic note was issued by the said nation’s government to the Vatican’s Secretary of State, Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, on Monday, February 4, 2013, informing Bertone of the impending arrest warrant and inviting his office to comply. No reply to this note was received from Cardinal Bertone or his office; but six days later, Pope Benedict resigned.

4. The agreement between our Tribunal and the said nation included a second provision to issue a commercial lien through that nation’s courts against the property and wealth of the Roman Catholic churchcommencing on Easter Sunday, March 31, 2013. This lien was to be accompanied by a public and global “Easter Reclamation Campaign” whereby Catholic church property was to be occupied and claimed by citizens as public assets forfeited under international law and the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court.

5. It is the decision of our Tribunal and the said nation’s government to proceed with the arrest of Joseph Ratzinger upon his vacating the office of the Roman Pontiff on a charge of crimes against humanity and criminal conspiracy.

6. It is our further decision to proceed as well with the indictment and arrest of Joseph Ratzinger’s successor as Pope on the same charges; and to enforce the commercial lien and “Easter Reclamation Campaign” against the Roman Catholic church, as planned.

In closing, our Tribunal acknowledges that Pope Benedict’s complicity in criminal activities of the Vatican Bank (IOR) was compelling his eventual dismissal by the highest officials of the Vatican. But according to our sources, Secretary of State Tarcisio Bertone forced Joseph Ratzinger’s resignation immediately, and in direct response to the diplomatic note concerning the arrest warrant that was issued to him by the said nation’s government on February 4, 2013.

We call upon all citizens and governments to assist our efforts to legally and directly disestablish the Vatican, Inc. and arrest its chief officers and clergy who are complicit in crimes against humanity and the ongoing criminal conspiracy to aid and protect child torture and trafficking.

Further bulletins on the events of the Easter Reclamation Campaign will be issued by our Office this week.

Issued 13 February, 2013
12:00 am GMT
by the Brussels Central Office,

Source, American Kabuki blog

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The Mouse That Roared! – Irishman Summonses Phil Hogan To High Court!

by Gabriel Donohoe

I'm From the Government...

The hard-pressed people of Ireland have had enough! They will no longer tolerate corrupt politicians working for vested interests and against the interests of the majority of the Irish people. They will no longer tolerate venal politicians working to feather their own nests by subserving a powerful moneyed elite. And they will no longer lie down like good little croppies and take what their lords and masters care to dish out.

In an unprecedented move, one Irishman has asserted his sovereign rights by standing up to the tyrannical forces of the State, a bought and paid for government that would unlawfully impose its will upon him. A gentleman from the west of Ireland (unnamed for reasons of privacy), after receiving a summons from Mayo County Council for failing to register for the infamous Household Tax, decided to fight back by summonsing three government ministers to the High Court, Hogan, Shatter, and Noonan, along with certain others, to answer for their fraud and deceit.

In a welcome reversal of roles, this courageous Irishman is now the Plaintiff and the ministers, et al, are the defendants. The Plaintiff charges that the defendants…

“…did and are wilfully conspiring to unlawfully, illegally, unconstitutionally and immorally coerce and force me, against my will, to make a declaration, that which is precluded by Bunreacht na hÉireann and by LAW.”

The Plaintiff further charges that…

“The herein named Defendants are in breach and contempt of the European Convention of Human Rights, the Universal declaration of Human Rights, and their collective and individual acts and actions constitute an offence under “the Non-Fatal Offences Against the Person Act 1997”.

He goes on…

” The Household Charge Bureau in and of itself, is nothing more than a front for an illegal and highly organised criminal gang. Whose aim is to willfully mislead, misinform and misdirect ME and the People of the Island into making “self-declarations” that are NOT MANDATORY, solely for the purpose of fraudulently and illegally coercing People into paying money to them, under the guise of the aforementioned Act.”

This is in truth a dynamite legal action which will have repercussions for years to come. It is long overdue. Is this the beginning of the fightback by the People against a gang of tyrants who have sold us all out for their own selfish interests?

Congratulations are due to Fitzpatrick Financial Solutions of Portlaoise for assisting this particular gentleman in putting his case together and to the Common Law Society for the marvellous work they are doing in helping to educate and inform the people of their sovereign rights and how injustices are being perpetuated against them.

This case was discussed at the Lay Litigation Day in Moate last Saturday which was presented by the Common Law Society of Ireland (not even remotely related to the discredited Law Society of Ireland). One of the salient messages of the day was that anyone who has received a summons from their county council for non-registering or non-payment of the Household Charge can now advise the court that it would be unwise to proceed with the case because of the above-mentioned Constitutional challenge in the High Court to this illegal Act.

A text of the summons:  Phil Hogan Summons 051212

See also:


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News Update… Phil Hogan To Be Grilled In The High Court…!

By Gabriel Donohoe


A second document has come into this writer’s possession which now makes it inevitable that Phil Hogan & his fellow sleeveens will face a grilling in the High Court early in the New Year. Hogan and his mob are about to be charged with imposing a fraudulent Act upon the Sovereign People of Ireland.

See the second document here Phil Hogan 30Nov12-1

Some people have been asking how the serving of such Notices should be so powerful. Firstly, the FFS people behind this document have re-discovered their own immense personal power and are putting it to good use. Each one of us possesses these same vast powers but they’ve lain dormant through centuries of deceit, brainwashing, and manipulation. Now, more and more of us are waking up to our true spiritual nature and enormous abilities.

Secondly, the serving of these Notices is a legal procedure known as the Honour/Dishonour process. It is a private administrative process to elicit agreement and to negate the position of an adversary.

Those who ignore a formal Notice, or who do not respond to it appropriately, are held to be in agreement with everything the Notice asserts. (Therefore, you ignore Notices from your bank or debt collector or whomever at your peril!)

Looks like we’re set for a very interesting New Year!

Please remember that this whole issue about the Household Charge will be addressed at the Lay Litigation Day on Saturday, 8th December, in The Grand Hotel, Moate, Co. Westmeath, from 8.30am to 6.30pm.

See www.LayLitigationDay.eventbrite.com

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I Accuse…

by Gabriel Donohoe

i-accuse - newspaper page1

(This article, “I Accuse”, was inspired by French writer Ēmile Zola who, in 1898, wrote one of the most famous open letters in history. Titled “J’Accuse” in French, it was addressed to the President of France and was published on the front page of the newspaper, L’Aurore. The letter scandalized the French Government of the day over what became known as the Dreyfus Affair. Zola’s letter stirred great anger and indignation among the people of France and is still remembered to this day.)

In the spirit of Ēmile Zola, I accuse the international banksters of conspiring to wreck the global economy so that they can consolidate power and control. These banksters, though few in number, effectively run the world and are often referred to as The Power Elite, The Money Power, The Illuminati, and various other names. This Money Power (a term coined by U.S. President Martin Van Buren) is nothing more than an evil cabal of gangsters. They are mass murderers, warmongers, tyrants, thieves, and inveterate liars and are utterly devoid of any human decency or compassion.

I accuse these banksters of setting up their own private worldwide monetary system by stealth, a device whereby they create ‘money’ out of nothing and charge interest on this nothing-ness, a crime of usury. This is an elaborate Ponzi scheme which is designed to steal from the people and keep them in poverty and despair. I accuse the banksters of constructing vehicles like The World Bank/IMF, the Bank for International Settlements, and the global network of national central banks to enforce their own self-serving agenda and to control the economies of the world for their own profit and pleasure.

I accuse the Money Power of subverting governments and global institutions (like the UN, WTO, WHO, etc.) and corrupting them to act in the interests of the few loathsome banksters who control and direct the entire financial policy of the world. I accuse the banksters of imposing a monetary system on the people of the world that fraudulently enriches the banksters and drives all debt, public and private, four times and more what it should be. (When you take out a mortgage you spend many years of your precious life’s energy paying not only for your own house but also for the equivalent of 2 to 3 houses for the banksters who did not lend you as much as one cent of their own money in the first place.)

I accuse the Money Power of criminally imposing a vast range of needless taxes and levies (including income tax) on the people to pay for the huge sums of interest charged on “loans” – national, commercial, and private – which were manufactured out of thin air at no cost to the banks. I accuse the Troika (IMF, the European Central Bank, and the EU Commission) of forcing “loans” onto the people of Ireland to pay for the criminal excesses of private banks.

I accuse Patrick Honohan and his predecessors of running the Irish Central Bank according to the interests of the House of Rothschild and not the Irish people. I accuse these executives of the Central Bank of colluding with the commercial banks and with past and present governments to deceive and unlawfully extort money from the Irish people. And I accuse the executives of the commercial banks and financial institutions in Ireland of a mass misappropriation of wealth from the entire Irish nation.

I accuse past and present Irish governments of selling out the people and abdicating national sovereignty in favour of the Money Power. I accuse venal politicians of feathering their own nest to the detriment of the very people who elected them and to whom they owe their undiluted loyalty. I accuse them of putting self and party politics before the good of the nation.

I accuse Brian Cowen and his ministers of unprecedented treachery by inflicting huge private bank debt on the backs of the Irish people for many years to come. I accuse Cowen and his gang of wilfully acting against the express wishes of the majority of what was once a proud, sovereign nation. And I accuse Enda Kenny and his gang of stealing power through lies and false pretences and then reneging on their avowed promises to undo the evils of Cowen’s regime. And I further accuse Kenny and his heavies (such as Gilmore, Noonan, Shatter, Hogan, Reilly, and other sleeveens) of imposing additional and unnecessary hardships on the Irish people at the behest of the Money Power and their institutional thugs, the IMF, the ECB, and the EU Commission.

I accuse all members of the Oireachtas of failing to inform themselves about how the banksters fraudulently create money out of nothing and impose needless and onerous debt on the State. I accuse these so-called public servants of ignoring or burying vital information sent to them by concerned people of knowledge and integrity. And I accuse these impostors of refusing to discuss and debate this crucial subject in the Dail and the Senate.

(TDs and senators should be forced to explain to the nation why they haven’t proposed a Monetary Reform Bill similar to U.S. Congressman Kucinich’s HR 2990 or any other honest alternative where money is created as something of value, not interest-bearing debt.) And I accuse all senior civil servants and others in positions of influence or authority of failing to act honourably in the full interests of the people from whom they received and were entrusted with a sacred power.

I accuse the judiciary of allowing themselves to be co-opted by the Money Power and of colluding with the banksters to deny justice to so-called “borrowers” by permitting private homes and businesses to be seized for the non-payment of “monies” that never existed or were never owned by the banks in the first place. I accuse the courts and the police service of assisting bailiffs and ‘receivers’ to break into and seize properties on behalf of fraudulent banks that have no lawful rights whatsoever to these properties. And I accuse the courts and police service of jailing people innocent of any common law crimes. Just as Ēmile Zola inflamed French public opinion by exposing the unlawful imprisonment of Captain Dreyfus one must consider today the unjust and disgraceful treatment of people like Brigid McCole, Frank McBrearty, and Sean Quinn Senior and Junior.

I accuse the mainstream media of misinforming the people and failing to properly investigate issues of national concern. I accuse them of refusing to ask the hard questions and of ignoring transgressions committed by politicians and corporate villains in banking and other sectors. I accuse them of pandering to corporate and government advertisers and of passing off corporate propaganda as news. I accuse them of selling out their integrity and behaving as journalistic whores or presstitutes, an apt word coined by Gerald Celente.

I accuse the senior officers and executives of the pharmaceutical and medical industries of putting profits before human health. I accuse them of making vast fortunes from disease and human misery – apparently there is more money to be made from treating disease rather than curing it. I accuse them of inventing diseases and of scaremongering the people with recent hypes about Bird Flu, Swine Flu, and other such laboratory-manufactured weapons of mass destruction. And I accuse them of ridiculing or criminally suppressing natural cures that been proven as cheap, safe, and effective.

I accuse the magnates in the food industry of filling their products with chemical poisons and all sorts of cancerous toxins. I accuse those in the GMO and chemical industries of criminal destruction of our soil, seeds, and environment – reviled companies like Monsanto, Bayer, BASF, DuPont, and other plundering malefactors. I accuse Monsanto in particular of trying to patent the very food given to us by our Great Creator and by endeavouring to subjugate the people to their despicable, high-priced frankenfoods. And I further accuse Monsanto of inventing the “Terminator Seed”, a vile act that flies in the face of all that is ethical, honourable, and holy.

I accuse the big wigs in the energy industry of bleeding the people unnecessarily by manipulating oil, gas, and electricity prices and disseminating the great lie of ‘peak oil.’ I accuse these greedy crooks of suppressing natural and alternative sources of energy that are clean, abundant, and virtually free. Oh what a difference it would make to our people, and to people of all nations, to have access to free energy to run our homes, our offices, and our vehicles. We have had this technology for decades but it is deliberately being kept from us!

I accuse all those in academia of providing sub-standard or slanted education to our children and of neglecting to teach them the broadest and deepest minutiae of their chosen field of study. I particularly cite the bankster-sponsored schools of economics where students are only taught the narrow parameters of economics that do not challenge the fraudulent methods and activities of the banksters. And I further cite the medical schools who dogmatically persist with Pasteur’s controversial and discredited Germ Theory, a hoax that has garnered gigantic profits for an utterly corrupt Big Pharma.

And I accuse those members of the general public who sleepwalk through life and refuse to question the lies and propaganda put to them as the truth. I also accuse them of unconscionably mocking their fellow citizens who have now woken up and who are trying to alert everyone to the dangers that are descending upon them.

Lastly, I accuse myself of not actively doing more to educate, inform, and change the world for the betterment of all mankind.

Copyright © 2012 Gabriel Donohoe

                                    [This article originally appeared in the current print

                                    edition Of One World Chronicle Magazine, Issue 1,

November/December, 2012.]

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Breaking News…! The People Fight Back…! Phil Hogan and His Ilk May Be Charged With Fraud & Duplicity re the Household Charge in the High Court…!

by Gabriel Donohoe

A short time ago, this writer received a copy of a confidential formal Notice sent yesterday to Minister Phil Hogan demanding answers to a number of hard hitting questions about his controversial Household Charge Act. The Notice was copied to Noonan, Shatter, senior judges, and others.

Hogan was given 72 hours to answer “in a clear, concise and unambiguous manner” a series of pointed and well-thought-out questions. If Hogan doesn’t answer each and every question completely and satisfactorily he will be forced to answer to the Irish People in the High Court early in the New Year.

The Notice served on Hogan arises from a summons served on an individual (whom we shall not name in the interest of privacy). This individual has been summonsed to appear in court for failing to make a declaration regarding the Household Charge.

This lawful challenge to the Powers That Be is incredible news! At last, some Irish people have found the cojones to stand up for themselves. It’s now time for us all to row in behind the originators of this powerful document and show all these colluders in government and the judiciary that it is they who are subservient to us – not the other way round. It is time the masters took over their own house and put the uppity servants in their place.

The Notice was served on Hogan by Fitzpatrick Financial Solutions (FFS) of Portlaoise and we say fair play to them and wish them well when they take on Hogan in the High Court. We can see that FFS mean business by the depth and detail of the questions posed. Their language is also forthright and assertive.

In dealing with Hogan’s Department of  the Environment, FFS accuses the Minister and his staff “of a criminal conspiracy and cover up.”

FFS warns Hogan: “If you do not answer ALL of the questions in the manner prescribed, we will have no issue standing the €157 required, for our client to take you and your cohorts into the High Court and force you to answer publically [sic] for your duplicity.”

FFS asks the Minister a very pertinent question that goes to the core of this traitorous government and the last one: “How is ‘the Act’ of the ‘Household Charge Act 2011’ not the equivalent to dictatorship, bondage and slavery?”

I’m posting the full document here in the greater public interest.

Household Charge Notice to Phil Hogan 2711121

Also, I understand the author of this document will be giving a talk on the Household Charge at the Lay Litigation Day on Saturday, 8th December, in The Grand Hotel, Moate, Co. Westmeath, from 8.30am to 6.30pm.


If you are fighting the banksters, or know someone who is, this is a day not to be missed.

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Irish Daily Mail Dutifully Pushes Government/Bankster Lies

by Gabriel Donohoe

Senan Molony

The first line of an article on page 2 of the Irish Daily Mail on Friday, August 24th, 2012, by Senan Molony, Political Editor, reads:

“The nation’s bond sellers boosted State coffers by another €1 billion yesterday – bringing closer the day when our financial sovereignty is restored.”

This is an egregious lie. Molony gets no kudos for this piece of shallow journalism. Either he has been duped by government/bankster propaganda or he is a compliant cog in the elitist gears of deception. Does he not know that borrowing from foreigners will cause any nation to automatically lose its sovereignty?

The maxim has been well known for millennia. Proverbs 22:7 says, “The rich rule over the poor, and the borrower is slave to the lender.”

Napoleon, who experienced the treachery of banks, well understood the hierarchy between the lender and the borrower: “The hand that gives is above the hand that takes.”

Borrowing money from foreign banks allows these oligarchs to dictate to our government. They tell us, the sovereign people of Ireland, what we can or cannot do. They inflict hardship and austerity on us so that they can steal the fruits of our labours and cram their own bulging pockets. Look at what the bankster Troika are now demanding in the next budget, more taxes and deeper cuts in government services.

Michael Noonan, Ireland’s Latest Bilderberger

Molony tells us that Michael Noonan, our Bilderberger Minister for Finance, is happy with our return to the markets and declared that a successful return by the State to full market funding at competitive rates was an essential step to economic recovery.

This financial policy is totally contrary to the interests of the Irish people. Nonetheless, Frankfurt and the City of London will be delighted with the whitewashing by their man in Government Buildings, Dublin. Molony seems proud to tell us that praise for Ireland’s capitulation to cruel bailout terms and conditions came from Reuters financial analysts, a firm widely believed to be owned or controlled by the House of Rothschild.

But not everyone is fooled by the lies and propaganda inherent in articles like the one mentioned above. More and more people are becoming educated to the fact that Ireland doesn’t need credit from the international banksters at all. This credit is a scam, a giant scheme to steal money from a sovereign people.

We’ve even been told this in an incredibly candid admission by a high ranking banker in the 1930s. Lord Josiah Stamp, Director of the Bank of England, said:

“The modern banking system manufactures money out of nothing. The process is perhaps the most astounding piece of sleight of hand that was ever invented…Banking was conceived in iniquity and born in sin…If you want to be slaves to the bankers, and pay the costs of your own slavery, then let the banks create money.”

Ireland could take her sovereignty back tomorrow by issuing her own currency, debt-free and interest-free, based on the goods and services created by the honest labours of the people. This has been explored in other articles on this site and there is no need to expand on it here. Such an action by the government would lead to full economic independence for Ireland, a drastic reduction in taxes, the abolition of the national debt, and the creation of full employment and abundance in the country.

When are we ever going to see so-called journalists probing honestly and deeply into these matters, discussing them in public, and shining the light on government malfeasance and incompetence for the betterment of the country?

Alas, Senan Molony is only one of many ‘journalists’ who are happy to push the party line rather than any attempt at real, honest, insightful old-fashioned journalism.

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Michael Collins Gave His Life To Win Irish Sovereignty; Cowen And Kenny Conspired To Destroy It

by Gabriel Donohoe

General Michael Collins at Portobello Barracks

On this day 90 years ago, one of Ireland’s greatest leaders died in an ambush in County Cork during a brutal Civil War. He was 32 years of age, a man of great charisma and immense personal courage, a man of ceaseless energy and wilful action, and a man of unquestionable honesty and integrity.

Michael Collins was fated to go down in history as Ireland’s most tragic hero of modern times, a slain idol whose untimely death would undermine the political providence of his people, as did the murders of other tragic leaders like Abe Lincoln or Jack Kennedy or Che Guevara or Crazy Horse of the Lakota.

Like all tragic heroes of Greek drama Collins had a fatal flaw, a deadly imperfection that led to his early death. Michael’s flaw was that he valued the freedom of his people more than he valued his own life. This obsession would consume him for the rest of his days. It would drive him to free Ireland from the shackles of a foreign oppressor for the first time in 800 years; but it would call upon him to make the ultimate sacrifice.

Michael Collins joined the Irish Republican Brotherhood (IRB) at an early age and during the Easter Rising in 1916 fought alongside Pearse and the others in the GPO in Dublin. Collins narrowly escaped execution for his part in the Rising and advanced to become a key figure during the War of Independence against the British (1919-1921).

In 1919 Collins was appointed President of the IRB, a position that also made him de jure President of the Irish Republic. He was appointed Director of Intelligence of the Irish Volunteers (renamed the IRA) and Minister for Finance of the new Irish government, among other roles.

Collins risked his life daily as he cycled or walked about Dublin during the fight for independence. The British had posted a huge reward for his head and decried him as the most wanted man in Ireland. Of all the rebel leaders at the time, Collins was undoubtedly the one who inflicted the severest wounds on Britain’s mighty military machine. His intelligence network was superior to that of the enemy and the attrition of his hand-picked Assassination Squad and Flying Columns soon prompted the British to sue for peace.

Collins reluctantly became a key figure in the Treaty negotiations with the British. When the Treaty was subsequently rejected by Republicans, a bloody Civil War followed. No doubt it broke Collins’s heart to have to fight against his previous comrades-in-arms but he threw himself vigorously into a campaign that he believed would ultimately lead to full Irish independence.

Last Photo of Michael Collins

There has been much debate over the years in Ireland about the Civil War and anti- and pro-Treaty sentiment still runs high today. Without going into the vexed issues of the Treaty, there are few who would argue that Collins did not act out of intense love of country and that his supreme loyalty to the Irish people was unquestionable. Ninety years on, whether one agrees with the Treaty or not, one has to admire Collins’s singularity of purpose. His devotion to achieving Irish sovereignty is indisputable. Likewise, his desire for the wellbeing of the Irish people.

Scenes from Michael Collins’s funeral…

So, to summarise the attributes of Michael Collins: he was a leader in the true sense of the word, a man of vision, integrity, and courage, a man who was not afraid to risk his life and reputation, a true Celtic warrior who literally led from the front line of battle. He was a big man, both physically and metaphorically, ruggedly handsome and beloved by his adoring comrades who would follow him to the gates of hell itself.

When we compare our two most recent so-called leaders, Brian Cowen and Enda Kenny, with the venerated Michael Collins, the disparity is readily apparent.

First, we have Brian Cowen, a bespectacled, obese, beer-guzzling endomorph who will go down in history as the man who unspeakably betrayed his country and who callously sold the birthright of generations of Irish children. He is a man who leaped to serve the interests of the International Banksters ahead of the very people who entrusted him with the welfare and prosperity of the nation.

That night of the infamous Bank Guarantee needs to be revisited. Cowen must answer for his grievous act of treason. Brian Lenihan, who regrettably died before his three score and ten, is now beyond earthly judgement. Paul Gallagher, the Attorney General, a ‘cute hoor’ member of the Bilderbergers, a closed society of elite criminals, should also be vigorously questioned about his part in the financial destruction of our country and the transfer of our hard-won sovereignty to a bankster elite.

(Many Irish people are unaware of the fact that another ‘cute hoor’ Bilderberger was there in the room with Gallagher that night. He sat on the bankster side of the table and was able to walk away with a multi, multi-billion euro bailout deal in his pocket. His name? – Dermot Gleeson, chairman of Allied Irish Bank and a former Attorney General himself. One wonders, did these two Bilderberger scoundrels cook up an agreement that would cost the Irish people their sovereignty and cripple them with unpayable private bankster debt?

If we can show that this Bank Guarantee was a huge fraud then, according to international law, we can deem it ‘Odious Debt’ which can be lawfully and justly repudiated by the Irish people. This also applies to so-called ‘loans’ from the EU/ECB/IMF, another criminal syndicate known as the Troika.)

Secondly, we have Enda Kenny, a man whose physical movement is reminiscent of Geppetto’s wooden puppet – he walks and moves as if an unseen hand were pulling his strings. Unlike Pinocchio, his nose does not grow with each lie he tells – only our national debt. Kenny’s physical and verbal gaucherie is legendary. Like President Gerald Ford, they say he can’t fart and chew gum at the same time.

Kenny’s mental processes are equally inept. In a much heralded ‘State of The Nation Address’ on TV last year he ‘revealed’ a monumental piece of information that everyone already knew: “We, the people, were not to blame for the banking collapse.” Then he went to the World Economic Forum in Davos and told everyone the very opposite – that Irish banks collapsed because “We all went mad borrowing.” What a dunderhead!

Before the election Kenny and his coalition partners told the electorate that the banks wouldn’t get another penny, that they would burn unsecured bondholders, and things would be done not “Frankfurt’s way” but “our way”.

A bunch of utter lies.

Kenny and his government have continued down the traitorous path laid out for them by Cowen. They have jumped to do the bidding of the International Banksters at every opportunity. Ireland is indeed being run “Frankfurt’s way”.

To illustrate, Kenny’s Minister for Finance, Michael Noonan was co-opted into the Bilderberger mafia earlier this year. Like others before him, from various countries, he is now under the influence of the bankster cabal. Noonan is another man who should face a barrage of questions about where his loyalties lie. Even if he attended Bilderberg in childish naivety, his contact with these criminals has damaged his reputation irrevocably. He should never be trusted in public office ever again.

In contrast with Michael Collins, Cowen and Kenny’s fatal flaw is that they placed their allegiance to foreign banksters above their loyalties to the Irish people. It has not caused them to lose their lives like it did Collins. And, in Kenny’s case, it has not led to a downfall, yet. But for both, public opprobrium and a day of reckoning awaits in the wings…

Alas, poor Ireland!


We fondly remember you, this special day.

You deserve your rest, you gave your all.

But when the wind round your headstone

Whispers tales of treason and treachery

By those pretenders to your mantle,

Judases who have mocked your sacrifice

And sold their people for a pouch of silver,

Then, perhaps, your spirit will be stirred to return…

Michael Collins’s Grave at Glasnevin, Dublin

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“Irish State Means Little To Many…” – Fintan O’Toole Is Right, But For The Wrong Reasons

by Gabriel Donohoe

Fintan O’Toole

In a piece in The Irish Times on Tuesday, August 7th, 2012, Fintan O’Toole bemoans the fact that the “Irish State Means Little To Many Of Its Citizens.”

It is indeed true that the Irish State continues to mean less and less to a growing majority of Irish men and women, but O’Toole doesn’t explore the reasons why, as a good journalist should. Instead, O’Toole berates Irish citizens for not embracing the institutions of the State and scolds them for their unwillingness to act in the “common good.”

In criticizing the people for not loving the State, O’Toole reminds me of Franz-Joseph, the Emperor of Austria-Hungary, who, while having one of subjects horsewhipped, screamed at the man: “But I want you to LOVE ME!”

The Irish people do not love their State (or rather the clique who run their State) because their State has ‘horsewhipped’ them, i.e., needlessly given away their sacred national sovereignty, impoverished them by seizing their money and funnelling it into mega-rich banks, and relentlessly continues to pile on household tax and other austerity mandated larcenies at the direction of a foreign Troika, a criminal cabal of financial terrorists (to use a term of Max Keiser).

The “common good” that O’Toole writes of so fondly is just another term for Collectivism, a dogma so espoused by the Nazis, Fascists, Communists, and dictators like Stalin, Hitler, Pol Pot, and so on. In fact, O’Toole uses the word ‘collective’ twice; he refers to the State as “a collective entity”, and again as “a collective self that goes beyond the narrow realms of family and locality”.  Collectivism promotes the rights of the State over the rights of the individual. It calls for self-sacrifice by the individual for the good of the State.

According to Ayn Rand: “Collectivism means the subjugation of the individual to a group — whether to a race, class or state does not matter. Collectivism holds that man must be chained to collective action and collective thought for the sake of what is called ‘the common good’.”

R.J. Rummel, Professor Emeritus of Political Science, estimates that in the 20th Century some 262 million people were murdered by their own governments, collectivist governments allegedly acting for “the greater good”. On the other hand, governments adhering to a doctrine of Individualism murdered nobody.

And so, the collectivist Fintan O’Toole wants the Irish people to act for the “common good”, a term he uses five times. They should not question state institutions like the law and the courts and those who query the integrity of judges are “idiots”.

Returning to his current favourite bête noire, Sean Quinn, he says, “The Quinn affair shows significant numbers of Irish people are in literal contempt of the courts.” He goes on to pontificate that any talk of state conspiracy is “damn…nonsense” and that “[m]any of the most vocal Quinn supporters…grew up with contempt for the “Free State” as a given”.

For all of O’Toole’s harangue and bluster about the “common good”, how come we never see him or The Irish Times or any other mainstream journalist or newspaper address any of the real reasons why the “Irish State means little to many of its citizens”? We never read any discussion or insightful articles on how 97% of the money in this country (and Europe and the world) is created by private banking cartels, or how the International Money Power runs our country and all its institutions, or hear of practical and historical methods of issuing our own currency without interest or debt.

No, Fintan, the Irish State has so little meaning for most of us in this country because you and your ilk have sold out to the Money Power, along with so many others who have abdicated their responsibility. The more awakened among us see your bashing of Sean Quinn as a bankster-inspired red herring, another step on the way to a domineering, tyrannical, collectivist State.

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